I am trying to create black box integration tests around some services that I have created using MassTransit. The gist of the service is that it receives a message on a MassTransit channel, processes the message and sends the message on a different MassTransit channel (note that this is not a Request-Reply semantic but more of a component in a pipeline):
IBusControl bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost"),
h =>
cfg.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "Queue1", ep =>
ep.Handler<ItemStarted>(context =>
ItemFinished item = FinishMessage(context.Message);
In order to test this I think what I need is a synchronous way to receive messages from the bus. Is there any way to do this:
IBusControl bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(cfg =>
var host = cfg.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost"),
h =>
bus.Publish(new ItemStarted());
// This is what does not seem to exist
ItemFinished finished = bus.Receive<ItemFinished>(timeout : Timespan.FromSeconds(5));
// Assertions about finished
Is there a way to receive messages directly from MassTransit without wiring up a consumer class or lambda?
There is a MultiTestConsumer
that can be used to receive and track messages that are produced during testing. You can see the class here:
And you can see how it is used here:
It can also be used as a regular subscribed consumer, which sets up bindings in RabbitMQ to receive published messages.
I would recommend checking out the TestFramework, as there are a bunch of asynchronous testing helpers in there.