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Configuring nginx to work with WordPress Multisite - 301 redirect

I am having issues with trying to get a WordPress Multisite (using subdomains) running on nginx.

Here is my ideal set-up:

Any requests to should be 301'd to (my understanding is that WordPress strips out www anyways?)

I am not wanting to access any of the subdomains by any other means, e.g would direct a user to - this isn't what I want.

I have followed this DigitalOcean tutorial and everything has worked fine with regular WordPress installs.

My local hosts file is set up as follows:



My issue is that whenever I attempt to visit either or sub*, I am redirected to a completely different site on my server, the one which just so happens to be the top of the list in sites-enabled. On closer inspect, when checking the Network tab in Chrome, I can see that my request for or sub* is 301 redirected to the aforementioned unrelated site.

I have flushed my local Chrome cache, am constantly using Incognito mode and I just cannot shake this redirect. I'm even using Firefox as I rarely use it so wouldn't expect any caching whatsoever for

I may be completely off the mark here and it could be nothing to do with the browser at all but rather the server and nginx configuration. Something is forcing a 301 and I don't know what.

It seems that this plugin comes up a lot in discussion but as far as I can tell, this is only applicable when wanting to map a regular domain to a subdomain, which isn't what I want.

Can anyone please offer any advice/solutions as to how I can configure so everything is routed correctly? My local environment runs a LAMP stack so I have had this working and I have altered the wp-config.php file to reflect the new 'live' domain (remember, I have not configured DNS, I have just hacked around in etc/hosts.

Any help much appreciated as always :)


  • So in the end I decided to build the multisite from scratch in my nginx environment as opposed to trying to take what worked in Apache and re-configure for nginx. As far as I can tell, I had updated everything that you would expect to have to do so from Apache to nginx as well as updating local domains to live ones in the database and wp-config.

    While this approach didn't strictly 'fix' my issue, I do feel like I've learned a valuable lesson here - sometimes starting from scratch is better than trying to make something fit!