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Change default sorting in Woocommerce order list

How can the default sorting of the Woocommerce order list be changed. For now each time I enter the order page, orders are displayed as DESC. I would like it to be ASC by default each time I enter the order page. Can anyone help?


  • As I found another custom order solution in the forum:


    I edited the code mentioned in there to the following, which worked out:

        function action_parse_query( $query ) { 
        global $pagenow;
        // Initialize
        $query_vars = &$query->query_vars;
        // Only on WooCommerce admin order list
        if ( is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && $pagenow == 'edit.php' && $query_vars['post_type'] == 'shop_order' ) {
            // Set
            $query->set( 'orderby', 'date' );
            $query->set( 'order', 'ASC' );
    add_action( 'parse_query', 'action_parse_query', 10, 1 );