Here is a simple example of using directives (adapted from the official guide) - JSFiddle
<div ng-controller="Controller">
angular.module('my-module', [])
.controller('Controller', function($scope) {
$scope.vojta = { name: 'Vojta', address: '3456 Somewhere Else' };
.directive('myCustomer', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: 'Name: {{}} Address: {{vojta.address}}'
The above directive has the same scope as its parent controller. How can I do the same with controller as syntax?
It's possible to do this with isolated scopes, but I am looking for a solution where you don't create a separate scope for the directive. Is it simply possible?
I tried everything from controllerAs, bindToController and require: '^ngController' without any success.
For the controllerAs
syntax, in your controller create a ViewModel object having the reference to this
as follows:
var vm = this;
vm.vojta = { name: 'Vojta', address: '3456 Somewhere Else' }; //your object
And in the template, you have to use the as
to give an alias to your controller as follows:
<div ng-controller="Controller as ctrl"> //now inside this scope use 'ctrl' which acts as the 'scope' of the controller.
In your directive:
template: 'Name: {{}} Address: {{ctrl.vojta.address}}' //notice the use of 'ctrl'
Working fiddle here.