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Django celery beat Substantial drift from warning message

So i am developing using a VM (vagrant) and i am getting this message when i start celery beat inside it:

[2014-07-15 10:16:49,627: INFO/MainProcess] beat: Starting...
[W 140715 09:16:51 state:74] Substantial drift from celery@worker_publications may mean clocks are out of sync.  Current drift is
    3600 seconds.  [orig: 2014-07-15 09:16:51.476125 recv: 2014-07-15 10:16:51.474109]

[W 140715 09:16:51 state:74] Substantial drift from celery@worker_queue may mean clocks are out of sync.  Current drift is
    3600 seconds.  [orig: 2014-07-15 09:16:51.480642 recv: 2014-07-15 10:16:51.475021]

When i do date inside it i get a Tue Jul 15 09:25:11 UTC 2014 but the thing is i live in Portugal and my host machine gives me Ter Jul 15 10:25:39 WEST 2014.

Whats the best approach for me to fix this?

What about when i put this live?

I am using celery 3.1.12 and i do not have a CELERY_TIME_ZONE set.


  • Well sometimes doing all the django setting will not help. The reason is that the local time on the instance or local is not correct ( even by some seconds)

    To make sure the time is same between multiple instances (example for me ec2 and digitalocean)

    sudo apt-get install ntp
    sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart

    The above will make sure the time is in sync

    After this as mention above, I use the following in Django

    TIME_ZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles'
    TZINFO = 'UTC'
    USE_TZ = True
    # For celery

    I am using the following pip freeze
