I'm having trouble continuing an OAuth session using a token obtained on an iOS client from a back-service. Specifically it looks to be a permission problem:
iOS Client Obtains Access Token (ObjC / FB iOS SDK v3.24)
Session established with the following permissions:
[FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions:@[
@"public_profile" . . .
On completion . . .
FBSession *session = [FBSession activeSession];
NSString *accessToken = [session.accessTokenData accessToken];
Access Token Sent to Backend (which is Spring Boot + Kotlin)
A Spring FacebookTemplate
is instantiated using the token obtained above, as follows:
@Test fun testFacebookTemplate()
val facebook = FacebookTemplate("$$TOKEN_FROM_FACEBOOK_IOS_SDK$$")
//Raises exception . .
val profile = facebook.userOperations().userProfile
println("Profile: " + profile)
The OAuth session established on the iOS client is continued from the backend successfully, and eg, a Facebook friend list can be returned. However, attempting to retrieve the profile, as shown above raises an error:
Error from Facebook: {"error":{"message":"(#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call." , "type":"OAuthException","code":3,"fbtrace_id":"B4C+eS3n2PW"}}
DEBUG o.s.s.f.a.impl.FacebookErrorHandler - Facebook error:
DEBUG o.s.s.f.a.impl.FacebookErrorHandler - CODE : 3
DEBUG o.s.s.f.a.impl.FacebookErrorHandler - TYPE : OAuthException
It appears as though Spring's FacebookTemplate v2.0.2.RELEASE has some permission related error when invoking the request for user profile against the Facebook Graph API v2.3
As a work-around use:
val profile = facebook.fetchObject("me", User::class.java,
"id", "first_name", "last_name", "email");