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SAPUI5 Use formatter inside formatter

i am trying to access a formatter-method from another formatter-method, like this:

sap.ui.define(["<package>/model/formatter"], function(formatter) {
"use strict";

return {
    formatter: formatter,

    roundNumberToTwoDecimals: function(number) {
        if (number) {
            return number.toFixed(2);

    stringFormatter: function(sI18n, dNumber, sProduct) {
        var i18n = this.getModel("i18n");
        if (i18n) {
            return i18n.getText(sI18n, [formatter.roundNumberToTwoDecimals(dNumber), sProduct]);

However, my formatter (formatter.roundNumberToTwoDecimals) is undefined.
Does anyone know a solution to this?



  • You can define helper functions in private scope.

    sap.ui.define(["<package>/model/formatter"], function() {
    "use strict";
    //private scope
    var roundToDecimal = function(iNumber,iFixed){
       return iNumber.toFixed(iFixed);
    return { 
        roundNumberToTwoDecimals: function(number) {
            if (number) {
                return roundToDecimal(number,2);
        stringFormatter: function(sI18n, dNumber, sProduct) {
            var i18n = this.getModel("i18n");
            if (i18n) {
                return i18n.getText(sI18n, [roundToDecimal(dNumber,2), sProduct]);

    The function roundToDecimal can be accessed only by the functions within the formatter. It can't be accessed directly as a formatter function from a view as it's not supposed to be exposed as a formatter function but just a helper function. With this way, the context of 'this' passed to the formatter doesn't matter as it changes from jsview to xml view.