I was playing with phaserjs and cordova and i'm stuck in something probably trivial. It's more general javascript question than phaser but i couldn't find any answer.
I'm using Cordova-plugin-shake for shake detection and it works great. What i would like to do, is to change some sprites onShake().
Test.Game.prototype = {
create: function() {
this.hand = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX-36, 27, 'hand');
this.healthBar = this.game.add.sprite(260, 18, 'utils');
shake.startWatch(this.onShake, 40);
onShake: function(){
this.hand.animations.play('shake', 60, false);
this.setCapacity(Math.floor(Math.random() * (MAX_CAPACITY - MIN_CAPACITY + 1)) + MIN_CAPACITY);
setCapacity: function(capacity){
this.healthBar.prevCap = capacity;
this.healthBar.inCapacity = capacity;
this.healthBar.capacity = capacity;
var cropRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, healthBarWidth, this.healthBar.height);
this.healthBar.prevWidth = healthBarWidth;
The problem is that onShake is passed by value, right? So i don't have access to either setCapacity() or hand. How can i avoid it? Are there any tutorials/examples like that where i can read?
Thanks for your time and sorry for such a trivial question but i'm still very new to js.
You should be able to do this
shake.startWatch(this.onShake.bind(this), 40);
The bind method is used to attach a context to a new function
Or if you can't use bind, you can make a closure
return function(){
})(this), 40);