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How can a helper dynamically call a component by its name like {{component componentName}} helper

How can I call inside a helper the equivalent to the Handlebars's helper {{component 'componentName' model=model}} to dynamically render components based on a programmatically changed componentName?

I'm using ember-cli 1.13.8, with Ember 2.0.1.

A bit of context

I have components called cs-widget-image, cs-widget-text, cs-widget-form that expect for a model widget based on its kind attribute.

So for a widget which its kind is image, I wanna render the component cs-widget-image, but I don't think that the logic to discover the name of the correct component should be knew by the model, so I'm not considering using the helper {{component widget.componentName}} on my view.

I think that the better would be have a helper that I can use on my views like:

{{#each manyTypesWidgets as |widget|}}
  {{widget-component widget.type model=widget}}

On my mind, the helper widget-component would receive a widget model, and based on its attributes do a kind of "eval" and internally call the equivalent to {{component 'componentName' model=widget}}

Ex.: With widget = {id: 1, type: 'image'}

{{widget-component widget.type model=widget}}

should programmatically call the equivalent to HandleBars helper on template:

{{component 'cs-widget-image' model=widget}}

Disclaimer about a possible duplicate question

Before mark it as duplicate, I need to say that I really found some similar questions here on StackOverflow like: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], but all the answers are based on an elderly version of Ember that didn't work anymore on Ember 2.0.1 and ember-cli 1.13.8.


  • You can build a helper and put the logic of building the component name inside of it. Let's call the helper widget-name, you'd use it like this:

    {{component (widget-name widget) model=widget}}

    If the logic is as simple as appending the widget type to the end of cs-widget- the following should do the trick:

    {{component (concat "cs-widget-" widget.type) model=widget}}

    I believe your widget-component approach is more complex, because you would have to have a computed property with the logic and then bind that in a {{component call. I hope the two suggestions are helpful :)