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How to include ReactDOM with bower

I'm using brunch and so I use bower instead of npm for package dependencies.

I read that React.render(<somReactElement/>, document.getElementById('foobar');); is deprecated and we have to use ReactDOM.render(...);

On NPM you can install it easy as read there : but on bower, Facebook say that react-dom is included in the react lib.

Indeed I find the source lib in package bower_components/react/react-dom.js (there is a minified version too) but I have no idead how to use it.

  • If I install it with bower install --save react-dom I have an other package not related : .
  • I tried global ReactDOM as read in the lib source code :

        if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
          g = window;
        } else if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
          g = global;
        } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") {
          g = self;
        } else {
          // works providing we're not in "use strict";
          // needed for Java 8 Nashorn
          // see
          g = this;
        g.ReactDOM = f(g.React);

But it don't works.

  • I check React.DOM but it not corresponding to the library.

Any idea how to include library without adding the js file in the project (for me a very bad solution because we are not using our package manager anymore for it).


  • Ok I find the issue after trying A LOT of things...

    I use react-router at last version (0.13.x) and react-bootstrap at last too (version 0.27.x). But react-bootstrap 0.27 depends on react 0.14.x... and this version of react missmatch with the react-router...

    Three hours lost on Javascript eco-system...