I am using the jQuery mask plugin from
I want to customize my plugin and have tried my best to do it but I can't.
What I want is
I am using this mask:
$("#product").mask("999,999,999.99",{placeholder:" "});
The problem with this is if I need to type only 150.50, I need to bring my cursor on the exact place and type.
For example in the above mask if I type 150.50 the text box looks like this:
where [] is a blank space. What I want is for only
150.50 to be shown, without the extra (,)s.
If I type 1150.50 then show 1,150.50, but I want the formatting to automatically occur once I am done typing and don't want to show extra any (,)s.
You do not want a masking plugin, but a formatting plugin ..
have a look at http://plugins.jquery.com/project/number_format