This question is an extension of a previous question of mine. I am new to both Polymer 1.0 and the leaflet-map web component, and so far I am unable to use any of Leaflet functionality I have used with ease in Javascript / HTML / CSS based Leaflet web apps.
For example, I would like to set the map view to center on a click on the map. I tried some variations of this idea, based on some examples I found on SO:
map element in html:
<leaflet-map id="thismap" latitude="{{latitude}}" longitude="{{longitude}}" zoom="14" >
map element registration:
is: "my-maps",
ready: function () {
attached: function(){ =;
'tap': 'testmove'
testmove: function(e){
console.log("tapped");[40.675951373, -73.989100456], 14);
console.log("map center: ";
In this case, 'getCenter' outputs the center point as assigned in 'setView', but the visible map does not pan to center on this point, as I would hope.
I can't find any examples in the leaflet-map documentation or anywhere else that show any type of dynamic functionality of this sort (map resizing on a click, button press etc). Ideas?
The key I found is to write any method that is dependent on Leaflet source functions within the leaflet-map core element (leaflet-core.html).
(in leaflet-core.html)
is: 'leaflet-map',
map.on('click', function(e) {[, e.latlng.lng],;
}, this);
One issue is that 'tap' is not one of the events defined in leaflet-core.html, so I had to use 'click'. But this sufficed for this test purpose.