I wanted to try sphinx's latest version, but didn't figure out how to install it.
With the 4th version it was quite simple, I used the demo, like Hello World and attached the libraries (jsapi
, sphinx4
) to the project, as shown in this tutorial:
I have downloaded the program by this link:
There are some demos, but no libraries. Should I use the libs from the previous version? Maybe there are any step by step tutorials on the installation of it for the noob like me? Thank you.
Take a look at the below link before starting with Sphinx4-5prealpha
Sphinx4 uses Maven build system. Simply type 'mvn install' in the top folder, it will compile and install everything including dependencies.
cd sphinx4-5prealpha
mvn install
You will see built libs/jars under target directory of sphinx-core, sphinx-data and sphinx-samples.