I want convert string with 0 and 1 to signed short. This work, but negative numbers I have wrong values. I think, problem is converting from unsigned to signed. How can fix that? Example: 971 is 971, 425 is 425 , -122 is 3974 , -394 is 3702 , -2032 is 2064
bitset<12> b(binary);//binary is string of 0 and 1
cout<<(signed short)b.to_ulong()<<"\n";
In a 16 bit signed integer, negative numbers are represented as:
1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
positive numbers as:
0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
0000 1111 1000 0110 => 3974
What you need is a 12 bit integer, where negative numbers are represented as:
.... 1xxx xxxx xxxx
.... 1111 1000 0110 => -122
You could do something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct C {
signed short b : 12; // 12 bit integer
int main() {
string binary = "111110000110"; // 3974
bitset<12> b(binary);
struct C c = { static_cast<signed short>(b.to_ulong()) };
cout << c.b << "\n"; // prints -122