I am still trying to wrap my head around using RxJS along with React Native. I am building a login screen with a id TextInput, a password TextInput and a sign in button who all have a separate callback handler attached to them via jsx (hence I can't create an observable using 'fromEvent' API of RxJS).
In componentWillMount, I create a subject for id text change, password text change and the click handler.
//In id text change handler
//In password text change handler
//In click handler
this.buttonClickStream.onNext(null); //null since value is not important
I only want an API request to fire when the button id and password is not an empty string and the button is clicked.
In componentWillMount I tried
var subscription = this.buttonClickStream
.combineLatest(this.idStream, this.passwordStream, function(click, id, password) {
return {
id: id,
password: password
.filter(credentials => {return credentials.id.length > 0 &&
credentials.password.length > 0;}
.subscribe(function(credentials) {
console.log('fire API request with credentials');
However the problem with this is, since I'm using combineLatest, the api is fired not just on the button click but also every time I change the id or password (provided that they pass the filter). What am I missing?
I think you could use Rx.withLatestFrom
instead of combineLatest
. It fires only when the source observable fires and take the last emitted values of the observables you pass as parameter.