I have jribbble running on my page to bring back shots from my dribble page. It's been working for a while. However, the last few days has been showing this error in the console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Site: http://atlantadesign.ninja/
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function getDribbbleShots() {
$.jribbble.getShotsByPlayerId('abenjamin765', function (playerShots) {
var html = [];
$.each(playerShots.shots, function (i, shot) {
'<li class="tile"><div>'+
'<a class="thumb" href="'+shot.image_url+'" data-lightbox="project" data-title="'+shot.title+'"><figure>⤢</figure>' +
'<img src="'+shot.image_url+'" alt="'+shot.title+'" />' +
'</a>' +
'<a class="link" href="'+shot.url+'">'+shot.title+' →</a>'+
$('.dribbble-feed').append('<li class="tile"><div><a class="link special" href="http://dribbble.com/aBenjamin765" target="_blank">See more on Dribbble →</a></div></li>');
}, {page: 1, per_page: 12});
Dribbble now requires you to register an application to get an API key.
Check out this example: http://codepen.io/tylergaw/pen/NqpzvE
// NOTE: Don't use this token, replace it with your own client access token.
$.jribbble.users('tylergaw').shots({per_page: 36}).then(function(shots) {
var html = [];
shots.forEach(function(shot) {
html.push('<li class="shots--shot">');
html.push('<a href="' + shot.html_url + '" target="_blank">');
html.push('<img src="' + shot.images.normal + '">');