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How to find a JS function declaration in browser sources?

How do I find a JS function declaration in the sources of FF ?

First I wanted to find declaration of function "copy". I opened console, typed and executed 'copy.toSource()', the output said it is the native code. I looked this question page, followed link, downloaded sources and I thought I'll just search for word 'copy' but search results were colossal, there were about 17k entries, there's no way I can find 'copy' declaration here)

Any ideas how to find 'copy' declaration, in which directory to search?

PS: it would be interesting to look at all other functions too, for example 'console.log'. If you know how to find it's declaration, it will be awesome.


  • The source of copy (assuming you mean "copy to clipboard") is in ./toolkit/devtools/webconsole/utils.js. It is small, so here it is:

    WebConsoleCommands._registerOriginal("copy", function JSTH_copy(aOwner, aValue)
      let payload;
      try {
        if (aValue instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement) {
          payload = aValue.outerHTML;
        } else if (typeof aValue == "string") {
          payload = aValue;
        } else {
          payload = JSON.stringify(aValue, null, "  ");
      } catch (ex) {
        payload = "/* " + ex  + " */";
      aOwner.helperResult = {
        type: "copyValueToClipboard",
        value: payload,

    The console.*functions get defined in ./dom/base/Console.cpp