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How to pass a variable into the template in Callimachus?

I have just started to learn to work with Callimachus. Its documentation is in some parts a bit fragmented (and unfortunately differs between releases) and I can’t figure out where could be the problem—I can’t pass a variable into the template.

Testing RDF graph:

@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix owl:<>.
@prefix te:<> .

foaf:Person a owl:Class
   ; rdfs:label "Person" .

te:Humanoid_A a foaf:Person
   ; foaf:name "Mr Humanoid A" .

te:Humanoid_B a foaf:Person
   ; foaf:name "Mr Humanoid B" .

Testing template:

<html xmlns=""

  <body resource="?this">
    <div class="container">
      <p property="foaf:name">{?name}</p>

The Class is properly associated, I can see two items when checking the class’s resources but the template does not show the body. According the the documentation I have tried as well:

<p resource="?this">{foaf:name}</p>
<p property="foaf:name" content="{?name}" /> # but this is marked as error in the editor’s window, despite it should use XHTML5, the header of the result is marked as HTML5 no matter if I used the <?xml... spec.

Nothing helps. The template is still empty.


  • I got it. The problem was I assigned the template only to “viewing”, not to “editing” and “creating”. Since I assigned the same template to all of the modes, everything works.