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Summernote edit not displaying scroll bars

I am using summernote in a bootstrap modal and set it up as follows:

     toolbar: [
        ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear','fontname']],
        ['color', ['color']],
        ['fontsize', ['fontsize']],
        ['height', ['height']],
        ['style', ['style']],
        ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],  
        ['misc', ['fullscreen','undo','redo']],
        ['table', ['table']]

The problems is that no scroll bar appears when I am entering text into the edit area and go below the bottom of the edit area as in:

enter image description here

What is needed to have the scroll bars appear and constrain the text to stay within the lines?


  • Documentation for Summernote says:

    height : String/Number (optional)

    set editor height (e.g. 300px)

    Defaults to: null

    So, solution is:

        height: '300px',
        toolbar: [
            ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear','fontname']],
            ['color', ['color']],
            ['fontsize', ['fontsize']],
            ['height', ['height']],
            ['style', ['style']],
            ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],  
            ['misc', ['fullscreen','undo','redo']],
            ['table', ['table']]