Installing rjags from RStudio in Ubuntu 14.04, I get the error message,
configure: error: "JAGS module directory /usr/lib/JAGS/modules-3 does not exist."
In usr/lib/JAGS there is modules-4.
I also can't install rjags from the console, because I get the error message,
Problem with header file /usr/local/include/JAGS/Console.h
However, apt-get install r-cran-rjags works, but then rjags can't be loaded in R because it is looking for
Suggestions for installing properly?
According to Martyn Plummer's blog post, the CRAN version of rjags has not yet been updated to work with JAGS 4.0.0, which I guess you recently updated.
You can either wait patiently for the CRAN update or you can download the updated rjags package from SourceForge.