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Use white space for thousand separator

I want to create a format for NumericTextBox for numbers like “1 000 000,00”. I use Kendo with ASP.NET MVC and I don’t understand how change thousand separator like comma to a white space. There is my code for specific class in javascript.

Code: strong text

        format: "#&nbsp#",      
        decimals: 0,
        min: 0,
        max: 9999,
        spinners: false,
        value: XXXXXXXX
    }).addClass("nombre").attr('maxlength', '4');

I hope that you can help me. Thank you very much.


  • The decimal separator and the group separator come from the current kendo culture and they can not be set directly to the kendoNumericTextBox as options. However you can change the corresponding culture values, but be careful because this may affect other kendo widgets too.

    Here is an example:

    // Setting the string that separates the number groups
    kendo.cultures.current.numberFormat[","] = ' ';
    // Setting the string that separates a number from the fractional point    
    kendo.cultures.current.numberFormat["."] = ',';

    And here is a JsFiddle Demo

    Note: you can create custom kendo culture and pass it the kendo numeric by name - $('#input').kendoNumericTextBox({ culture: 'custom' });