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jquery html() function remove binding?

I'm setting up a page with the following functionality:

  1. User is shown 5 images.
  2. Some visual effects are binded to the images.
  3. If user scrolls to the bottom of page another 5 images are loaded.
  4. Html of a container <div> is updated using .html() function.
  5. Visual effects are binded to the new 5 images.

The visual effect is to highlight some predefined areas of the image, using Image Mapster.


The visual effects on all previous images disappear after I add the new five images.


Does calling the .html() function remove bindings previously set on the existing html?

How can I update the html without removing previously set bindings?

Here is a simplified version of the code:

CODE checking if bottom of page is reached on scroll down:

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()) {
        console.debug("_____________ DEBUG _____________: reached bottom()");
        // check if there are images to load, if so call Visualize()
        if ( there are more images to load in a buffer)

CODE showing 5 more images:

function ShowMore() {
  console.debug("_____________ DEBUG _____________: in /ShowMore()");
  // get the html of the image container div
  old_html = $('#image_result_container').html();

  // ajax request to get the 5 more images from server
    url: "/GetImages/",
    type: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json",
    data: JSON.stringify({'visualize_ids': visualize_ids}),
    dataType: "json",
    success: function( response ) {

      // some complex manipulation that creates the html for the 5 images just loaded
      new_html = old_html + <div>...some stuff in here...</div>

      // I set the html of the container to the new html

      // this part calls the ImageMapster function only on the last 5 images using an id value that I won't explain for conciseness reasons...
      for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        ImageMapster( some_id, i );

What the ImageMapster() function does is basically bind a visualization function to the image element:

var map = $('#vis_image_' + ann_id + '_' + im_count_id);
map.mapster({ all the cool effects go here... });

I attached below the code for the visual effect (for completeness) but that doesn't really matter for the question.

CODE for the visual effect:

function ImageMapster( ann_id, im_count_id ) {
  console.debug("_____________ DEBUG _____________: in /ImageMapster()");
  console.debug(" $> ann: [" + ann_id + "] im_count: [" + im_count_id + "]");
  var map = $('#vis_image_' + ann_id + '_' + im_count_id);
    areas: [
      key: 'subject',
      staticState: true,
      fillColor: '6699ff',
      fillOpacity: 0.4,
      stroke: true,
      strokeColor: '6699ff',
      strokeWidth: 3
      key: 'object',
      staticState: true,
      fillColor: '8ae65c',
      fillOpacity: 0.4,
      stroke: true,
      strokeColor: '8ae65c',
      strokeWidth: 3
    mapKey: 'name'


  • The way jQuery selectors work is they bind to the matches when the code runs. When the HTML that the selectors match are removed, so is the bind as they match the exact code. Not the pattern.

    The shortest way to handle this is to use jQuery(selector).append() to add your new code at the end of the element opposed to replacing everything via .html(). That way your previous binders will carry over.