I'm using Groovy, i've tried to create a simple function which will construct a Json object from a provided Json string, then i'm trying to print this string but unfortunate it's adding Square brackets to the output.
Here's a snippet from my code:
def JsonBuilder ConstructJsonObject (jsonStr) {
def jsonToReturn = new JsonBuilder();
def root = jsonToReturn(jsonStr);
return jsonToReturn;
String jsonStr = "{id: '111'}";
def jsonObject = ConstructJsonObject(jsonStr);
And here's the output:
{id: '111'}
[ "{id: '111'}" ]
It's returning an Array and not a pure Json.
If you change your input to be valid json (with double quotes round the keys and values), you can do:
import groovy.json.*
String jsonStr = '{"id": "111"}'
println new JsonBuilder(new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonStr)).toPrettyString()
To print
"id": "111"