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How to implement (Noty) jquery notification in wordpress site

i am newbie in jquery world. I dont know how to implement "Noty - Notification" Plugin in wordpress site, how to create notification and animation etc.. Documentation does not include help files

These are the contents of Plugin

  • Layout [FOLDER] (Includes files like bottom.js, bottomleft.js, top.js, topright.js etc...

  • Packaged [FOLDER] (Includes two files jquery.noty.packaged.js & jquery.noty.packaged.min.js)

  • themes [FOLDER] (includes bootstrap.js, defalut.js & relax.js)

  • jquery.noty.js [FILE]

  • promise.js [FILE]


  • the documentation does not include examples? check it again.. it sure does.

    noty({text: 'magic'});

    // never use eval unless you know what you do. just try this snippet to see some
    // examples in how you can use this.
    // for demonstration purposes i simply added the actual code to the buttons visible text.
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
        noty({text: "Hello World!"});
        noty({text: "message on top right", layout: "topRight"});
        noty({text: "message on bottom", layout: "bottom"});
        noty({text: "error!", type: "error", layout: "topRight"});
            text: "this will disappear after 4 seconds",
            type: "error", layout: "topRight", timeout: 4000, 
            animation: {
                open: 'animated bounceInRight', // in order to use this you'll need animate.css
                close: 'animated bounceOutRight',
                easing: 'swing',
                speed: 500

    theese are the default options:

    $.noty.defaults = {
        layout: 'top',
        theme: 'defaultTheme', // or 'relax'
        type: 'alert',
        text: '', // can be html or string
        dismissQueue: true, // If you want to use queue feature set this true
        template: '<div class="noty_message"><span class="noty_text"></span><div class="noty_close"></div></div>',
        animation: {
            open: {height: 'toggle'}, // or Animate.css class names like: 'animated bounceInLeft'
            close: {height: 'toggle'}, // or Animate.css class names like: 'animated bounceOutLeft'
            easing: 'swing',
            speed: 500 // opening & closing animation speed
        timeout: false, // delay for closing event. Set false for sticky notifications
        force: false, // adds notification to the beginning of queue when set to true
        modal: false,
        maxVisible: 5, // you can set max visible notification for dismissQueue true option,
        killer: false, // for close all notifications before show
        closeWith: ['click'], // ['click', 'button', 'hover', 'backdrop'] // backdrop click will close all notifications
        callback: {
            onShow: function() {},
            afterShow: function() {},
            onClose: function() {},
            afterClose: function() {},
            onCloseClick: function() {},
        buttons: false // an array of buttons