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Insert image in a table's cell using Apache POI's xwpfd

I am working on a program that requires writing results to a .docx in a table format. I need to write images from a folder in some of the table cells, which I have been unable to figure out how to do. The solutions I have seen are to insert the image in the document.

Student student = new Student ();
XWPFDocument Document = new XWPFDocument ();
XWPFTable table = document.createTable(20,2);
XWPFTableRow rows =null;
XWPFTableCell cell = null;

for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
   rows = table.getRow(i)
   student = studentList.get(i);

   //first column
   cell = rows.getCell(0);
   //add image to this cell. The path to the image can be gotten from student.getImagePath and the image itself in BufferedImage can be gotten from student.getImage

   //second column
   cell = rows.getCell(1);


  • I was able to sort it out. Below is the working code:

    Student student = new Student ();
    String [] details = {"Detail1: ", "Detail2: ", "Detail3: ", "Detail4: ", "Detail5: "};
    FileInputStream fis;
    String imageName;
    int index;
    File file;
    XWPFDocument document = new XWPFDocument(); //create table
    XWPFTable table;
    XWPFParagraph paragraph;
    XWPFRun run;
    XWPFTableRow rows = null;
    XWPFTableCell cell = null;
    //Write Hall Name at the top of the word document
    paragraph = document.createParagraph();
    run = paragraph.createRun();
    run.setText("Hall Name: " + hallName);
    table = document.createTable(rw, cl);
    for (int i=0; i<rw; i++) {
        rows = table.getRow(i);
        student = studentList.get(i);
        //First column
        cell = rows.getCell(0);
        paragraph = cell.addParagraph();
        run = paragraph.createRun();
        if (student.getImagePath() == null) {
            run.setText("Image Unavailable");
        else {
            fis = new FileInputStream(student.getImagePath());
            index = student.getImagePath().lastIndexOf('\\') + 1;
            imageName = student.getImagePath().substring(index);
            run.addPicture(fis, XWPFDocument.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG, imageName, Units.toEMU(100), Units.toEMU(100));
        //Second column
        cell = rows.getCell(1);
        paragraph = cell.addParagraph();
        run = paragraph.createRun();
        run.setText(details[0] + student.getRegNumber());
        run.setText(details[1] + student.getName());
        run.setText(details[2] + student.getExamNumber());
        run.setText(details[3] + student.getTableNumber());
        run.setText(details[4] + student.getLevel());