I am using ScrollMagic for animations to happen on scroll. I'm not really well versed with this, still in the learning process.
So I have a Airplane of which parts are disassembled and come together on scroll and form a Airplane.
For example - the left wing, right wing, plane body, tail, left propeller, right propeller all this parts are separated and coming from different directions to form the plane.
I have managed to make this work at 1366x768 screen resolution. But if I open it at different screen resolution the parts do not assemble at the right position. http://jsfiddle.net/jv5s6f0j/1/
HTML - (each ID has a background image)
<section class="airplane-container">
<div id="plane-left-wing"></div>
<div id="plane-right-wing"></div>
<div id="plane-propeller-left"></div>
<div id="plane-propeller-right"></div>
<div id="plane-body"></div>
<div id="plane-tail"></div>
var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
var airplane_tween = new TimelineMax()
.to("#plane-left-wing", 1, {left:"31.2%" , top:"-18%" },0)
.to("#plane-right-wing", 1, {right:"31.2%" , top:"-18%"},0)
.to("#plane-body", 1, {top:"-30%"},0)
.to("#plane-tail", 1, {top:"-48%" },0.5)
.to("#plane-propeller-left", 1, {left:"19%" , top:"-22%" },0)
.to("#plane-propeller-right", 1, {right:"19%" , top:"-22%"},0) ;
var scene1 = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement: ".airplane-container" , duration: 200})
// .setPin("section.airplane-container")
// .addIndicators({name: "timeline"}) // add indicators (requires plugin)
I tried using percentages instead of fixed px yet doesn't solve the problem. Please Help!
Well it really depend on approach, as I can't see CSS (maybe put css for this part only) I can't tell much more. Saying this I'll try to explain you my approach with scrollMagic.
Try this (example of left wing):
Give it dimensions (width and height, for this example I'll make it x and y)
Give it left: 50% (this will position a left side of element on center)
margin-left: -x/2
(this will position it to
center)Now using this approach, use step 3 (negative margin values) to position elements (NOTE: do not use margin-left: -x/2
, that will just center it, use the number u need in px values)
And with scroll magic animate just margins
Do the same for top or bottom values
Hope this will help you