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Scripts.Render is not working

I'm developing ASP.NET MVC Razor project using monodevelop 5.9.6 and I added all packages necessary for bundling (System.Web.Optimization), in BundleConfig I'm adding


and others. In Global.asax.cs I'm calling


However in _Layout.cshtml


is rendering as

<script src="/bundle/jquery?v=5GM9HLcujnDGm6SNVq0Es63_cXK2viQ4_nYEpm02Ls1"></script> 

when running, causing "Failed to load resource (404)" javascript error, because all jquery's files are not rendered as it should be.

I need to render all jquery files and style files.


  • It's a feature of Bundling and Minification. All of jquery and css file grouped into one file when you enable Bundling and Minification and it works in two conditions

    protected void Application_Start()
      //Enabling Bundling and Minification
      BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;  
    <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.0">

    IF you want each file render separately use compilation debug = "true" and BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;.

    But it's not a good practice when deploying code to production server.

    Why 404 : If you can share your rendering code for jquery and css file I can try why 404 error is coming.enter code here
