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Get process with highest CPU usage

I am trying to write a program which logs the CPU usage & the process which is consuming highest CPU. Suppose firefox.exe is taking highest CPU i.e. 70%, it should log only this process with its CPU usage.

I am using sigar library to achive this task. Here is my current code which gets the system CPU usage every second.

public class CPULogger {

    private static Sigar sigar = new Sigar();
    public void startLogging() 
        Mem mem = null;
        CpuTimer cpuTimer = null;
        CpuPerc cpuPerc = null;
        FileSystemUsage fileSystemUsage = null;
        int num = 0;
            System.load(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\sigar-x86-winnt.dll");
        catch(Exception exc)


                cpuPerc = sigar.getCpuPerc();
                num = (int)Math.ceil(cpuPerc.getCombined()*100);

                writeLogs(Double.toString(num).split("\\.")[0] + " %" + (num >= 90 ? "\tAlert" : ""));
            catch(Exception e)
    public void writeLogs(String logDesc)
            PrintWriter writer;
            writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("Logs.txt", true)));
            writer.println(new java.util.Date() + "\t" + logDesc);
        catch(IOException e)
        catch(Exception e)


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        CPULogger ul = new CPULogger();


How can I make it to log the process with highest CPU ?


  • IMO you can use the following code to get list of all processes:

        final Sigar sigar = new Sigar();        
        final long[] processes;
        try {
            processes = sigar.getProcList();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //throw exception.

    Then you can iterate over all the processes and get the CPU usage for each process:

    for (final long processId : processes)  {
            try {
                ProcCpu procCpu = sigar.getProcCpu(processId);
                // compare and set max value.
            } catch (SigarException e) {
                //In case for some pid access is denied.

    Then you can log this max value. You can also check this link for some sample programs.