I have a Drupal 7.x website deployed and I need help with using the below function and returning a true/false based on IP (more info below). I am trying to use this in Drupal's Rules module.
Drupal comes with a built-in function..
print ip_address();
This returns the client's IP address in the form of an ipv4 address such as (example). (https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes%21bootstrap.inc/function/ip_address/7)
I need to be able to grab ip_address(); and evaluate it in PHP, i want the evaluation to return a boolean value (return TRUE) if the ip_address() is in the range of - and false if it is not.
Anyone able to help?
You could try using ip2long to change the IPv4 address into a long integer and use that for comparison.
$example_ip = ip2long("");
$high_ip = ip2long("");
$low_ip = ip2long("");
if ($example_ip <= $high_ip && $low_ip <= $example_ip) {
return true;
else {
return false;