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How do I get the full path of everywhere a JSON field occurs using FasterXML?

Given a JSON field name such as "my_field" and a FasterXML JSON ObjectNode, how can I walk through the JSON and get the fully qualified path of everywhere that "my_field" occurs in the JSON?

"top_field": {
        "mid_field": [
                "my_field": true,
                "my_field": true,
        "another_mid_field": [
                "my_field": false

I would want to have the following results:


Is there a part of the FasterXML library that exposes this information without having to parse all the values of the JSON? I was previously using recursion to do so, starting from the root top_field and walking down, passing each object down as I went but that is prone to stack overflows on large JSON objects.


  • This main:

    package jsonpath;
    import java.util.List;
    import com.jayway.jsonpath.Configuration;
    import com.jayway.jsonpath.Option;
    import static com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath.*;
    public class GetPaths {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            String json = "{\"top_field\": { \"mid_field\": [ { \"my_field\": true, }, { \"my_field\": true, } ], \"another_mid_field\": [ { \"my_field\": false } ] }}";
            Configuration conf = Configuration.builder().options(Option.AS_PATH_LIST).build();
            List<String> pathList = using(conf).parse(json).read("$..my_field");
            for(String path : pathList) {

    Will output exactly


    If you do some simple string replace on that one I think it´s a nice and easy solution. I`m not sure if you can get anything similar with plain Jackson/FasterXML. JsonPath uses Jackson under the hood.