So, as you can see from the image, that i have concatenated a,c and b. And i am getting the result i expected. But in 2nd println, when i concatenated a,e and b, i got e concatenated in the end, not where i was expecting it to be. I want to know, the reason of this behavior and solution to this behavior. Thank you in advance.
import java.util.*;
public class prob
public static void main(String... args)
String a="الف",b="1/2",c="ب",e="B";
System.out.println(a+" : "+c+" : "+b);
System.out.println(a+" : "+e+" : "+b);
EDIT(To explain why my question is not a duplicate): My question is on converting L2R languages to R2L.
This is because the first character is R2L (right to left orientation as in asian languages), so next character becames at the begining (correct orientation):
First char:
// actual orientation ←
Second char added at L
// add ←
B : الف
// actual orientation →
After this, B is L2R as usual in Europe, so next char (1/2) is added in the right orientation AFTER B:
// → add in this direction
B : 1/2 : الف
// actual orientation → (still)
You can easily test it by copy paste char and writting manually another, you will see how orientation changes depending of the char you inserted.
what is my solution for this issue, because i made this example only to show what issue i was facing in making some big reports, where data is mix sometimes, it is L2R String and sometimes R2L. And i want to make a string in strictly this format.(
From this answer:
- Left-to-right embedding (U+202A)
- Right-to-left embedding (U+202B)
- Pop directional formatting (U+202C)
So in java, to embed a RTL language like Arabic in an LTR language like English, you would do
myEnglishString + "\u202B" + myArabicString + "\u202C" + moreEnglish
and to do the reverse
myArabicString + "\u202A" + myEnglishString + "\u202C" + moreArabic
See (for the source material)
char l2R = '\u202A';
System.out.println(l2R + a + " : " + e +" : "+b);
الف : B : 1/2