Here is a class that I have created. It currently returns an exception stating that it is in a loop - this is obvious now.
public class dirSearch : IDisposable
private bool disposed = false;
public bool searchSuccessful;
public string errStr;
List<string> resList = new List<string>();
public void getEmpDetails(string filStr, string varStr)
string strServerDNS = "ldap.<redacted>.com:389";
string strSearchBaseDN = "ou=People,o=<redacted>.com";
string strLDAPPath = "LDAP://" + strServerDNS + "/" + strSearchBaseDN;
DirectoryEntry objDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(strLDAPPath, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous);
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(objDirEntry);
SearchResultCollection results;
searcher.Filter = "(uid=" + filStr + ")";
//make sure the order of the search is like so:
//full name
results = searcher.FindAll();
foreach (SearchResult result in results)
string temStr = result.Properties[varStr][0].ToString();
searchSuccessful = true;
catch (Exception e)
errStr = e.ToString();
searchSuccessful = false;
public void getEmpDetails(string uid)
string strLDAPServerAndPort = "ldap.<redacted>.com";
string strDNPrefix = "uid=" + uid + ", ";
string strLDAPContainer = "ou=people, o=<redacted>.com";
string strLDAPPath = "LDAP://" + strLDAPServerAndPort + "/" + strDNPrefix + strLDAPContainer;
DirectoryEntry objDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(strLDAPPath, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous);
DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(objDirEntry);
SearchResultCollection results;
searcher.Filter = "(uid=" + uid + ")";
//need conditions here for searching for more than one value, such as <redacted>Manager etc
results = searcher.FindAll();
foreach (SearchResult result in results)
string temStr = result.Properties["uid"][0].ToString();
searchSuccessful = true;
catch (Exception e)
errStr = e.ToString();
searchSuccessful = false;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
if (disposing)
if (errStr != null)
disposed = true;
public void Dispose()
As far as I am aware, the only two (technically) disposable objects here are the string and the list. Is this correct? Or, is there more, less, or other items entirely that I would be disposing of? Furthermore, what specifically makes them "Disposable" objects? Is it the fact that they are single objects that I have instantiated?
Usually we implement IDisposable
when we have something to dispose (i.e. unmanaged resources like files, RDBMS connections, other IDisposable
instances etc.). Technically, the implementation could be something like that:
// Now IDisposable is redundant: there're no fields to dispose
public class DirSearch : IDisposable {
// All these three fields don't implement iDisposable thus they can't be disposed
//TODO: change this field into (read-only) property
public bool searchSuccessful;
//TODO: change this field into (read-only) property
public string errStr;
List<string> resList = new List<string>();
// I've omitted some code
// Property: you may want to know if the instance has been dispose or not
public Boolean IsDisposed {
protected set; // or even "private"
// "protected virtual" since this method should be able to be overridden in child classes
protected virtual Dispose(Boolean disposing) {
if (IsDisposed)
if (disposing) {
//TODO: Dispose unmanaged resources here
// NO Dispose() call here! Beware Stack overflow
IsDisposed = true;
public Dispose() {
However, more natural is to remove all the IDisposable
stuff from the current DirSearch
implementation. If you want to use DirSearch
as placeholder, if I understand you right as a base class for searches, you'd rather change DirSearch
into something like BaseSearch
and make it abstract