Search code examples

Disposable items in a class

Here is a class that I have created. It currently returns an exception stating that it is in a loop - this is obvious now.

public class dirSearch : IDisposable
    private bool disposed = false;

    public bool searchSuccessful;
    public string errStr;

    List<string> resList = new List<string>();
    public void getEmpDetails(string filStr, string varStr)
        string strServerDNS = "ldap.<redacted>.com:389";
        string strSearchBaseDN = "ou=People,o=<redacted>.com";
        string strLDAPPath = "LDAP://" + strServerDNS + "/" + strSearchBaseDN;
        DirectoryEntry objDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(strLDAPPath, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous);
        DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(objDirEntry);
        SearchResultCollection results;

        searcher.Filter = "(uid=" + filStr + ")";
        //make sure the order of the search is like so:
        //full name

            results = searcher.FindAll();
            foreach (SearchResult result in results)
                string temStr = result.Properties[varStr][0].ToString();
                searchSuccessful = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            errStr = e.ToString();
            searchSuccessful = false;

    public void getEmpDetails(string uid)
        string strLDAPServerAndPort = "ldap.<redacted>.com";
        string strDNPrefix = "uid=" + uid + ", ";
        string strLDAPContainer = "ou=people, o=<redacted>.com";

        string strLDAPPath = "LDAP://" + strLDAPServerAndPort + "/" + strDNPrefix + strLDAPContainer;

        DirectoryEntry objDirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(strLDAPPath, null, null, AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous);
        DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(objDirEntry);
        SearchResultCollection results;

        searcher.Filter = "(uid=" + uid + ")";

        //need conditions here for searching for more than one value, such as <redacted>Manager etc
            results = searcher.FindAll();
            foreach (SearchResult result in results)
                string temStr = result.Properties["uid"][0].ToString();
                searchSuccessful = true;
        catch (Exception e)
            errStr = e.ToString();
            searchSuccessful = false;

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!disposed)
            if (disposing)
                if (errStr != null)

            disposed = true;

    public void Dispose()

As far as I am aware, the only two (technically) disposable objects here are the string and the list. Is this correct? Or, is there more, less, or other items entirely that I would be disposing of? Furthermore, what specifically makes them "Disposable" objects? Is it the fact that they are single objects that I have instantiated?


  • Usually we implement IDisposable when we have something to dispose (i.e. unmanaged resources like files, RDBMS connections, other IDisposable instances etc.). Technically, the implementation could be something like that:

    // Now IDisposable is redundant: there're no fields to dispose
    public class DirSearch : IDisposable {
      // All these three fields don't implement iDisposable thus they can't be disposed
      //TODO: change this field into (read-only) property
      public bool searchSuccessful;
      //TODO: change this field into (read-only) property 
      public string errStr;
      List<string> resList = new List<string>();
      // I've omitted some code
      // Property: you may want to know if the instance has been dispose or not
      public Boolean IsDisposed {
        protected set; // or even "private"
      // "protected virtual" since this method should be able to be overridden in child classes
      protected virtual Dispose(Boolean disposing) {
        if (IsDisposed)
        if (disposing) {
          //TODO: Dispose unmanaged resources here
          // NO Dispose() call here! Beware Stack overflow
        IsDisposed = true;
      public Dispose() {

    However, more natural is to remove all the IDisposable stuff from the current DirSearch implementation. If you want to use DirSearch as placeholder, if I understand you right as a base class for searches, you'd rather change DirSearch into something like BaseSearch and make it abstract.