I am having trouble with what I have been testing for a few days now.
All using Stacks and Queues
Sample.txt : My mom and dad both think I will do good at my gig tomorrow.
I have a GUI that attach's a file and parses the file for Palindromes. I want to for instance,
I can find mom
as a palindrome, and since mom.length()
is == to 3
i would then grab the third token from mom
, which in this case would be both
. I am able to grab all of these palindromes correctly, just at a loss on how i would traverse tokens that i haven't 'read' in yet?
my method is,
public void fileDecode() throws FileNotFoundException
int counter = 0;
int nextPalindrome = 0;
String token = scanInput.next();
Stack<Character> stk = new Stack<Character>();
Queue<Character> que = new LinkedList<Character>();
for (int i = 0; i < token.length(); ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < token.length(); ++j)
char tempStk = stk.pop();
char tempQue = que.remove();
if (tempStk == tempQue)
if (counter == token.length())
//build.append(token + " "); #if i want to see the palindromes
nextPalindrome = token.length(); //the length/distance of the token desired
just at a loss on how i would traverse tokens that i haven't 'read' in yet?
You read them and skip them. Just use a local variable which is usually 0, but once you find a palindrome you set it to the palindrome's length. Then before the checking logic you check this variable and continue the loop if it is greater than 0.
// Idea: there are 3 cases:
// 1. tokensToSkip is 0: process as normal (check for palindromeness)
// 2. tokensToSkip is 1: decrement it to 0, but process as normal
// 3. tokensToSkip is 2, 3, 4...: decrement it and skip (continue the while)
// Note that tokensToSkip will never be negative.
// Will skip tokensToSkip - 1 tokens
int tokensToSkip = 0;
while(scanInput.hasNext()) {
String token = scanInput.next();
// instead of the next two lines we could just have:
// if (--tokensToSkip > 0) continue;
// only once, notice the -- operator in front.
// This would almost always work, but if tokensToSkip = Integer.MIN_VALUE
// decrementing it will cause negative overflow and thus tokensToSkip will
// become Integer.MAX_VALUE! To prevent this we have a check.
if (tokensToSkip > 0) tokensToSkip--;
// here tokensToSkip is already decremented, so this check is different
// from the one above. For example is tokensToSkip == 1 before the line
// above, now it is tokensToSkip == 0 and this second check fails.
if (tokensToSkip > 0) continue;
if (isPalindrome(token)) {
tokensToSkip = token.length();
// ... other stuff ...
By the way, a more efficient way to implement isPalindrome()
static boolean isPalindrome(String s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.length() / 2; i++) {
if (s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(s.length() - i - 1)) {
return false;
return true;