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Create n agents and calculate average number

I want to create system of n agents. All agents are generate random Integer value. My goal is calculating average of these n numbers. My simple idea of algorithm:

  • Every Agent sends message with its number to other agents
  • Every Agent calculates average number


  • I just can't understand how I can create a variable number of agents
  • How I can take output result

Maybe somebody know how I can do this?


  • The examples online tend to focus on using the Boot class:

    java -cp jade.jar jade.Boot -agents agentName:org.agents.MyAgentClass

    You could spawn more agents simply by adding more to the -agents option command-line args (separated by semi-colons):

    java -cp jade.jar jade.Boot -agents \

    If you need a variable number of agents, you could move this to a bash script that appends more agents depending on a parameter.

    If you really want to go crazy, you can create your own container and add agents to it from your own code and bypass the Boot class. Since your use case is so simple, I don't know that this would be a good way to go yet.