I currently have a simple php based shopping cart but I need to add a new functionality so that each size has a unique quantity. There may be 1 large, but 3 smalls in stock for example.
Each product has a unique product code, but has multiple sizes and colors. Currently there is a quantity field in the table. I also need to be able to decrement the quantities once a product has been ordered.
For flexibility, I currently reference the options as a single field in the database entry that's a json object and looks something like this:
This gives me the flexibility to use multiple options of different names without having to create an options table in the db.
I could simply expand the json object to something like this:
I'm worried this will cause me unforseen issues down the road. I'm also concerned that by doing this decrementing after a sale becomes more complex.
Currently, I just have to update where the product code matches and decrement the quantity. With the above change, I have to retrieve the product info, decode the options, find the size and decrement, then update the database. This feels overly complex.
Is there a better way of handling product quantities by sizes?
I would never save a string or json chunk in a single product row with sizing/quantity embedded.
I would go with a product table.
Then a Junction table using the productId with a size column and a quantity column.
schema idea:
create table Products
( prodId int auto_increment primary key,
prodName varchar(100) not null
create table ProductQuantities
( -- table to store quantities for Product/Sizing combos
id int auto_increment primary key,
prodId int not null,
size varchar(10) not null,
quantity int not null,
constraint foreign key (prodId) references products(prodId),
unique key (prodId,size) -- maintains sanity for no duplicates at the combo level, plus a general index
Granted, the 2nd table is not a junction table, but you get the idea