I am attempting to convert a classic JavaScript "class" into an AMD module. However, I also need to keep exporting the class into the global namespace because some legacy code needs it. I've tried this
, however, the global object is not created. What am I doing wrong?
define('VisitorManager', function () {
var VisitorManager = function () {
"use strict";
// ...
VisitorManager.prototype.hasExistingChat = function () {
// ...
//expose globally
this.VisitorManager = VisitorManager;
//return AMD module
return VisitorManager;
To expose your module globally, you need to register it in the global object.
In the browser the global object is window
window.VisitorManager = VisitorManager;
In a Node.js environment the global object is called GLOBAL
GLOBAL.VisitorManager = VisitorManager;
To use the class in both a legacy environment and with RequireJS, you can use this trick:
(function() {
var module = function() {
var VisitorManager = function() {
"use strict";
// ...
// Return the class as an AMD module.
return VisitorManager;
if (typeof define === "function" && typeof require === "function") {
// If we are in a RequireJS environment, register the module.
define('VisitorManager', module);
} else {
// Otherwise, register it globally.
// This registers the class itself:
window.VisitorManager = module();
// If you want to great a global *instance* of the class, use this:
// window.VisitorManager = new (module())();