I have a javascript function:
drawPath: function drawPathFn(nodeList){
and the native java code that calls this function is:
List<String> nodes = getShortestPath(s, d);
nodes list is filled with several location names but when I try to pass this list to the javascript function, the console output is just: "[" for console.log(""+nodeList[0]);
and "S" for console.log(""+nodeList[1]);
What I want is that when I call nodeList[0], I want it to print out e.g. "Building A". How could I achieve that?
You'll need to pass a JSObject or a String as a literal array in javascript, i.e. "['str0','str1']"
Here's how to use a JSObject:
//first we need an Iterator to iterate through the list
java.util.Iterator it = nodes.getIterator();
//we'll need the 'window' object to eval a js array, you may change this
//I dont know if you are using an applet or a javaFX app.
netscape.javascript.JSObject jsArray = netscape.javascript.JSObject.getWindow(YourAppletInstance).eval("new Array()");
//now populate the array
int index = 0;
jsArray.setSlot(index, (String)it.next());
//finaly call your function
netscape.javascript.JSObject.getWindow(YourAppletInstance).call("World.drawPath",new Object[]{jsArray});
Here's how to do it with a literal String:
java.util.Iterator it = nodes.getIterator();
int index = 0;
String literalJsArr = "[";
//populate the string with 'elem' and put a comma (,) after every element except the last
literalJsArr += "'"+(String)it.next()+"'";
if(it.hasNext() ) literalJsArr += ",";
literalJsArr += "]";
http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/java/plugin2/liveconnect/jsobject-javadoc/netscape/javascript/JSObject.html https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/applet/invokingJavaScriptFromApplet.html