We all know that unsorted Sets don't guarantee order, and that they can mutate and change.
My question is, how often does this happen, and what causes it?
If I were to occasionally grab the first element from a Set, would it be reliably pseudo-random?
The most important thing to keep in mind is that Set
is not an implementation in Java. It's just an interface. And the only mention of ordering it makes in its documentation just states that it makes no guarantees.
The elements are returned in no particular order (unless this set is an instance of some class that provides a guarantee).
This means you can't assume anything about the order of a Set
, unless you know what the implementation is. Implementers are free to do anything from keeping it sorted, to having a background threading running which randomizes the order every few seconds.
If you look at the Javadocs for various Set
s, you can see that the guarantees vary, from LinkedHashSet
[The iteration order] is the order in which elements were inserted into the set
to TreeSet
The elements are ordered using their natural ordering
to HashSet
makes no guarantees as to the iteration order of the set
Within the bounds of those descriptions, the Sets are free to order themselves however they want. That means the well defined ones only need to reorder when something (such as an insertion or removal) causes them to need a new ordering to fulfill their contract. The ones without a guarantee don't promise anything, but presumably have some form of internal structure which allows for fast lookups, which would a) likely remain fairly stable, and b) quite possibly favor certain items over others for being first. They also might not, but you can't make an assumption either way.