I'm currently trying to create a script to copy data from a Hummingbird HostExplorer screen to Excel (essentially screen-scraping). I can create the instance of Excel with no problems, and I can paste the data into Word with no problems, but I simply cannot work out (even after hours of searching online) how to actually paste the data into Excel.
Here's the code as it stands so far:
Sub Main
Dim Host As Object
Dim HE as Object
Set HE = CreateObject( "HostExplorer" )
Set Host = HE.CurrentHost
Dim iPSUpdateTime
Dim HostExplorer as Object
Dim MyHost as Object
On Error goto ErrorCheck
Set HostExplorer = CreateObject("HostExplorer") ' Initialize HostExplorer Object
Set MyHost = HostExplorer.HostFromProfile("EDC") ' Set object for the desired session
iPSUpdateTime = 60 ' PS Update wait time set to 60 seconds
' insertion of code to change to A226
MyHost.WaitPSUpdated iPSUpdateTime, TRUE
MyHost.WaitPSUpdated iPSUpdateTime, TRUE
' code to copy data to Excel
Dim XLS As Object
Set XLS = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
For i = 1 to Host.Rows
XLS.FONT "Courier New"
XLS.FontSize 8
Next i
' Error check
if (Err = 440) Then
Msgbox "The specified session is not running.", 16, "Hummingbird Macro Error"
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
When I run this, it gets to XLS.FileNewDefault
but then skips the For i
section and goes straight to the error checking. However, if I change:
Set XLS = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
Set XLS = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
it pastes absolutely fine into Word.
Am I missing something incredibly easy here?
The following code creates an Excel workbook and pastes the content of the clipboard in a new worksheet:
option explicit
dim XLS, Book, Sheet
'Load Excel Application.
Set XLS = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'By default it is invisible, so make it visible.
XLS.visible = true
'Still there is no workbook, so add one now.
set Book=XLS.Workbooks.Add()
'By default a workbook has 3 worksheets; we will work on the first one.
set Sheet=Book.Sheets(1)
'Call sheet.paste to paste the content of the clipboard into the active cell
'(which is by default "A1").