friendly coders :-) I need in rather basic functionality of tablesorter jquery plugin. First of all, I don't need in table pre-sort. I display the table inititally strictly in the order as data are in the file. So, right now my code is VERY simple and is the following one:
cancelSelection: true,
{ 0 : { sorter: "text" },
1 : { sorter: "digit" },
2 : { sorter: "text" },
3 : { sorter: "digit" },
3 : { sortInitialOrder: "desc" },
4 : { sorter: "digit" },
4 : { sortInitialOrder: "desc" }
$('#results').on('sortBegin', function () {
var c = this.config,
col = c.sortList[0][0];
if ( col === 0 ) {
// column 0 sorting, add column 2
c.sortList.push( [2,0] );
} else if ( col === 2 ) {
// column 2 sorting, add column 4
c.sortList.push( [4,1] );
widgets: ['columns']
What I need: 1. sort by column 0 (ascending, default), then column 2 (ascending, default) 2. sort by column 2 (ascending, default), then column 4 (ascending, non-default)
I don't want to use sortAppend because I don't want ALWAYS make some additional sorting. I need in it ONLY for columns 0 and 2. I don't want to use widgets with "secondary" and "thertiary" options because of I don't want to make "secondary" sorting. Really I need in something like conditional sortappend, like
sortAppend [0]: [2,0]
sortAppend [2]: [4,1]
How can I do it?
Upd: I changed the basic question to include the proposed solutions. It's tested and working as required, many thanks to Mottie and his fork of tablesorter!
It's not pretty, but you can bind to the sortBegin
event and append the custom sort (demo)
$(function () {
$('table').on('sortBegin', function () {
var c = this.config,
col = c.sortList[0][0];
if ( col === 0 ) {
// column 0 sorting, add column 2
c.sortList.push( [2,0] );
} else if ( col === 2 ) {
// column 2 sorting, add column 4
c.sortList.push( [4,1] );
theme: 'blue',
widgets: ['zebra', 'columns']