This is my first post on stackoverflow, i am encountering error in the following code , no error shows in inspect element / JS console in firefox but for some reason the ouput after calculation is displaying undefined / NaN error . The input from user is parsed in Float.
function costtoShip(){
// get input
var weight = parseFloat(document.getElementById("weight")).value ;
var msg;
var cost;
var subtotal;
// calculation
if ( weight >= 0.00 && weight <= 150.00 ) {
cost = 20.00;
else if ( weight >= 151.00 && weight <= 300.00 ) {
cost = 15.00;
else if ( weight >= 301.00 && weight <= 400.00 ) {
cost = 10.00;
subtotal = weight * cost ;
msg = "<div> Total Weight is " + weight + "</div>" ;
msg = msg + "<div> Subtotal is " + subtotal + "</div>" ;
// send output
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = msg ;
var weight = parseFloat(document.getElementById("weight")).value;
This is not how to parseFloat. You're trying to call a value
property on a double. Move your parenthesis out.
var weight = parseFloat(document.getElementById("weight").value);
I suggest using console.log(weight);
or other values around your code so you can easier pin point these issues.