For the first, I'm trying to avoid direct link to EntityFramework
in my assembly, so I can't use System.Data.Entity
namespace in client code, only in interface implementation class.
I have interface
public interface IEntitySource<T>
where T : class
IQueryable<T> WithProperties(params string[] properties);
and it's EF implementation:
public class EfEntitySource<T> : IEntitySource<T>
where T : class
public IQueryable<T> WithProperties(params string[] properties)
IQueryable<T> queryable = this.DbSet;
foreach (var property in properties)
queryable = this.DbSet.Include(property);
return queryable;
and client code:
public IEnumerable<ContentChangeHistory> GetContentActivityAtGroup(Guid groupId)
var groupActivity = this.ContentChangeHistorySource
.WithProperties("ContentPost", "ContentItem", "SystemUser")
.Where(cch => cch.ChangeGroupId == groupId);
return groupActivity;
but, the code, that executes GetContentActivityAtGroup
method, returns ContentChangeHistory
collection with only latest navigation property initialized, e.g. SystemUser
some code modifications, like this:
public IQueryable<T> WithProperties(params string[] properties)
foreach (var property in properties)
return this.DbSet;
gave no results
queryable = this.DbSet.Include(property);
queryable = queryable.Include(property);