How can I load multiple amd libraries in requirejs. For example, I've many modules, having below code:
define(["jquery", "backbone", "underscore", "handlebars"],
function ($, Backbone, _, Handlebars) {
// code
How i can load all necessary libraries in module easier(may be as a single library)?
It is not really in the requirejs philosophy, but you can make a module including the library and put them into an object like this :
// myModule.js
define(["jquery", "backbone", "underscore", "handlebars"], function ($, Backbone, _, Handlebars) {
return {
$ : $,
Backbone : Backbone,
_ : _,
Handlebars : Handlebars
// Into an other file
define(['myModule'], function(myModule) {
myModule.Backbone.Model({ ... });