I am trying to construct an Order
resource for the purpose of the EvaluateOrder transaction for GAO. According to the spec it is using contained resources as shown below. The problem I am having is that the .NET object model
seems to require a resource reference. Is there any way to contain the data within the reference or is this use case outside of the intent of the model?
Order order = new Order
Identifier = new List<Identifier>{ new Identifier("mysystem", "8ea608db-ce55-41ea-936c-38195ae9b245") },
DateElement = new FhirDateTime(DateTimeOffset.Now),
Subject = new ResourceReference { /*???*/ },
GAO Order Spec
We don't have the exact same requirements, but where we use "contained" resources we use code along the lines of :
Order myOrder = new Order();
Patient myPatient = new Patient();
myPatient.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
myOrder.Subject = new ResourceReference()
Reference = "#" + myPatient.Id