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Patient monitoring (raw data) in Fhir

What is the best way to save raw data in fhir? For example, I want to save the heart rate data of a patient which is obtained by monitoring the patient for 10 hours a day, every day of the week.

Do I have to create for each measurement from an observation or is there any more convenient method to store the data ?

So far I have tried to save the data through Observation:

Observation observation = new Observation
    Status = ObservationStatus.Final,
    Code = new CodeableConcept($"", "12345-6"),
    Subject = new ResourceReference($"Patient/{measurementData.PatientId}"),
    Value = new FhirString(measurementData.Value), // Example value and unit
    Issued = DateTime.Now


  • Truly 'raw' data would be stored using Binary - which can store anything with a mime type. However, Binary is opaque from a FHIR search perspective. If you want 'concise' representation of a large volume of data in a single Observation, you can also look at the SampledData data type. It allows storing data captured at regularly sampled intervals in a pretty concise format in a single Observation.