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Parse JSON-like markup in perl

I am not sure what markup this is to be honest, I though at first JSON but using parse_json from JSON::Parse fails with: JSON error at line 2, byte 15/1380740: Unexpected character '{' parsing initial state: expecting whitespace: '\n', '\r', '\t', ' ' at ....

This is what I parse into an hash:

What I tried:

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON::Parse 'parse_json';

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->get( "" );
if ( $response->is_success ) {
     my $game_items = parse_json( $response->content );
     # ... do stuff

Am I doing something wrong? Is this JSON or must I create some hack-ish solution to parse this?

I could not find any suggestions through the "Questions that may already have your answer" section though I think it would be easier if I knew the name of this markup.


  • This will process your data, It's a bit hacky but it does the job!

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use autodie;
    use Data::Dump;
    use LWP::Simple qw/ mirror /;
    use constant URL    => '';
    use constant MIRROR => 'steamcdn.txt';
    my $data = do {
        mirror URL, MIRROR;
        open my $fh, '<', MIRROR;
        local $/;
    my ($hash, $key);
    my @stack;
    while ( ) {
        if ( $data =~ / \G \s* " ([^"]*) " /gcx ) {
            if ( defined $key ) {
                $hash->{$key} = $1;
                $key = undef;
            else {
                $key = $1;
        elsif ( $data =~ / \G \s* \{ /gcx ) {
            push @stack, [ $hash, $key ];
            $key = $hash = undef;
        elsif ( $data =~ / \G \s* \} /gcx ) {
            die "Structure unbalanced" if defined $key or @stack == 0;
            my ($parent, $key) = @{ pop @stack };
            $parent->{$key} = $hash;
            $hash = $parent;
        else {
    die "Structure unbalanced" if @stack;
    dd $hash;


      items_game => {
        alternate_icons2        => {
                                     weapon_icons => {
                                       65604    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_ddpat_urb_light",
                                       65605    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_ddpat_urb_medium",
                                       65606    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_ddpat_urb_heavy",
                                       65684    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aa_flames_light",
                                       65685    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aa_flames_medium",
                                       65686    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aa_flames_heavy",
                                       65696    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_so_night_light",
                                       65697    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_so_night_medium",
                                       65698    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_so_night_heavy",
                                       65780    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aa_vertigo_light",
                                       65781    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aa_vertigo_medium",
                                       65782    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aa_vertigo_heavy",
                                       65896    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_mottled_sand_light",
                                       65897    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_mottled_sand_medium",
                                       65898    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_mottled_sand_heavy",
                                       66276    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_scales_bravo_light",
                                       66277    => {
                                                     icon_path => "econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_scales_bravo_medium",
                                       66278    => {