Is it good to have a class with short methods used to catch Exceptions?
class ContractUtils{
public static String getCode(Contract contract) throws MyException{
return contract.getInfo().getCode(); //throws ContractException and LogicException
}catch(Exception e){
throw new MyException("error during code reading:"+e.getMessage, e);
//other methods like above...
Your utility class ContractUtil
introduces a level of indirection just to translate the original exception into another exception:
Instead of the direct call:
return contract.getInfo().getCode()
you are now writing the more artificial
return ContractUtils.getCode(contract);
But there might be situations where this solution can be justified, e.g.:
You are not allowed to throw ContractException or LogicException, and you are calling this method a lot of times.
But if you can change its signature it would e better to redesign the original method to throw only MyException