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Using integer variable as key in underscore template

According to underscore's documentation, it allows you to do string template/interpolation like below:

var compiled = _.template("hello: <%= name %>");
compiled({name: 'moe'});
// => "hello: moe"

Instead of using variable symbol like "name", I wonder if there is any way to use integer as the key? For example:

var compiled = _.template("hello: <%= 1 %>");
compiled({"1": 'moe'});
// => "hello: moe"

I gave it a try but underscorejs template evaluates it as a literal instead of variable, is there any way to do templating with underscore if the provided variable contains such integer key in it? Thanks.


  • No, you can not use an integer, you have to use a valid variable name, this means it can have an integer but it can not be only an integer.

    Things that work are:

    compiled = _.template("hello: <%= a1 %>");
    console.log(compiled({a1: 'moe'}));
    compiled = _.template("hello: <%= _1 %>");
    console.log(compiled({_1: 'moe'}));
    compiled = _.template("hello: <%= a %>");
    console.log(compiled({a: 'moe'}));