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Site broken IE11 in windows 8 - goes to Enterprise mode

Our site is breaking real bad in IE11. What's happening is that it goes into "Document Mode" 5 (Default) and Browser profile is forced as Enterprise.

As soon as I change Enterprise to Desktop, the site is all good.

Is there any way, I can force my site not to go to Enterprise and/or Use Edge as document mode ?

I have tried following but nothing worked:-

putting this right after

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">

changing Doctype as :-



<!DOCTYPE html>

P.S. My server is Suse Linux and I am not allowed to make any change in it. Only changes I can do are in my site or htaccess.


  • You need to figure out why your site is in Enterprise Mode. Here are the possibilities I know of, and their respective solutions:

    • Whoever runs the domain your computer is on has set up an Enterprise Mode site list with your site included as requiring Enterprise Mode. To fix this, you'll need to contact that person and get them to exclude your site.
    • You have chosen to load your page in Enterprise Mode by going to the tools menu and clicking "Enterprise Mode". This is good because it means the users of your site shouldn't be seeing the same issue. The fix is to hit that same menu option again on your site, and it should be taken out of Enterprise Mode.