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VHDL multiple std_logic_vector to one large std_logic_vector

I have four std_logic_vectors (15 downto 0) and want to stack them into a std_logic_vector (63 downt 0) so fare I have found one way of doing it but is it the correct way or is there a more optimal and correct way to do it?

signal slv16_1,slv16_2,slv16_3,slv16_4 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal slv64 : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);

slv64(15 downto 0) <= slv16_1;
slv64(31 downto 16) <= slv16_2;
slv64(47 downto 32) <= slv16_3;
slv64(63 downto 48) <= slv16_4;


  • An easy way to accomplish this is to use the concatenation operator &. It achieves the same thing you did above, but with less code required.

    slv64 <= slv16_4 & slv16_3 & slv16_2 & slv16_1;